速報APP / 生產應用 / Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage U

Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage U





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage User Manual(圖1)-速報App

Are you looking for the user manuals of the products you own? You don't remember when the warranty of your products is expiring? You don't know where did you put the receipt of your purchases? You have a lot of questions regarding the products you own? You want to share the warranties and the related details with someone?

Save your time and hassle with this convenient Manual Saver, Warranty Saver, and a Life Saver.

Forget about keeping the paper manuals until the next time when you will need it because that next time could be months or years and of course there is no need to keep those papers at your place for that long.

Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage User Manual(圖2)-速報App

When is the warranty expiring? Where are the receipts? How long is the warranty? Now, you don't have to guess for any of it and to look for it all over the place. Save the photos, other corresponding details and forget about the rest.

Uses of Innstal:

Use#1: Simple and Easy Search of Manuals

Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage User Manual(圖3)-速報App

You could search for any kind of manual e.g product manual, installation manual, etc. Manuals can be viewed within the app in the pdf format or in the video format. Manuals could also be saved for later viewing and can be downloaded as well.

Use#2: Save Your Warranties

You could register the warranty details of their product including the photos and can claim the warranty by sending an email to the company. Warranty details can also be shared with anyone via email. You will also receive the notification 30 days before the warranty expiration day, about the warranty getting expired.

Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage User Manual(圖4)-速報App

Use#3: Real-Time Notifications

You could receive notification of their recalled products. In other words, if any of their registered product would get recalled by the company(manufacturing company) then you will receive the notification about the same thing. You can also get a notification for whatever is happening inside innstal so that you could take an active part in the community.

Use#4: Ask any question?

Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage User Manual(圖5)-速報App

You could ask help from the community if they find difficulty in understanding any of the product manuals or for any other type of product related question too. Product manual question or the product question could be related to any company and the product type.

Innstal-Keep and Track Warranty,Manage User Manual(圖6)-速報App